Thursday, January 1, 2015

New year, New stuff!

This year's goal is to keep going strong with school, maintain relationships, and progress with warhammer.  The first two are pretty self explanatory, but I may need more rigid plans for the third goal.  I plan on putting paint on a miniature every day, and updating a painting blog every week.  I'm excited for the New Year, and I am looking forward to keeping this updated.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Back to school!

Howdy folks, I'm doing my yearly post!  To get everyone caught up I am currently going back to school, thanks to my lovely wife's position at pitt.  I am going back for speech language pathology!  I've been painting the crap out of my orks ever since the new codex came out, and I'm playing in a campaign at phantom.  You can follow the campaign along at (thanks Andrew) or just the exploits of my orks at .  In other gaming news I am playing a bard in a Skull and Shackles campaign that you can follow at  I'm also teaching swim lessons at the Squirrel Hill JCC, along with lifeguarding.  Have an excellent time folks, and who knows maybe I'll keep this blog up!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Barb!

     I had a blast this weekend, period.  My lovely girlfriend (Hi Caitlin!) took us down to Hershey to celebrate her mother's birthday.  We drove down Friday after we both got out of work, picked up her brother from Pitt Greensburgh, and arrived in chocolate town at around 9 that night.  We spent a few minutes with the family then drove off to go drinking with Nancy and Dave at an interesting bar.  I've only heard great things about the Gas Station, but what I saw scared the tar out of me.  Jersey Shore had nothing on some of the douches at this place.  That being said, the company I was sharing was superb, which gives a lot of leeway for surroundings.
     The next morning we woke up late and worked around the house to get Jacob's Creek a little more ready for the holidays.  The main trip of the day sent us out to get a Christmas tree at Misty Run Farms.  This place has all of the charm of picking out the perfect pumpkin at the patch with the efficiency of families running the same small business that they've been running for years.  Once the tree was acquired we rushed home to get it into some water.  With such pressing manners taken care of we continued to CostCo for food and supplies.  We walked out with roughly 300 pounds of animal care products...and Brave.  We had reservations at Sorrento's for 7 oclock, so we parked the heavily laden minivan at Briarcrest and proceeded to gorge on delicious Italian food.  The night ended uneventfully at the OConnell's home with wine and Disney movies.
     Not much to say about Sunday.  We finished up almost all of the decorating and watched Real Steel for Barb's birthday.  The most important part of the day was breakfast at Tatiana's (who's chef is about to appear on the Food Network's Chopped!).  We sat around the house after exchanging gifts and cards and put off driving home until we had dinner at Neato Burrito.  After that the story gets as boring as the ride back to Pittsburgh.  I hope everyone out there has a great night and I can't wait for you to hear from me again!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

     Life is an interesting thing.  I've gone from working at the airport, to working at the mill, to not working, to being a barista at Starbucks!  Now the current plan is to start working on the whole getting my life together thing.  It's scary to think that I am at the point of my life where I start using phrases like "Bettering Myself" and "Life Plan".

     Next step in my life is to work on adding a skill that I should have learned long ago, coding.  My current options seem to be along the lines of 1 - Teaching myself from books, 2 - Learning through an online class, and 3 - Community College courses.  At the moment I'm leaning towards a hybrid of the first two options, but my discipline may prove to be a big motivator for option 3.
     Other exciting things in my life involve putting paint on little pieces of plastic and metal!  I have 2 big plans with this hobby at the moment.  Phantom of the Attic : Games (Check them out on facebook and use them for all your gaming needs in Oakland) will be running a Journeyman League for Warmachine/Hordes and I've recently picked up a model or two from the Gatormen faction.  My other big adventure involves going down to Memphis to play a big ole game of Warhammer 40K.

     In an effort to keep my ADD at bay now may be a good time to stop.  I look forward to updating this beast in the future and would love to hear any suggestions the internet at large has to say about what's going on out there.  Enjoy folks!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Finchteresting is born!

Hey there internet, and to the no one who will be reading this I say, . No one reads nothing like no one! Anywho, so I'm making this blog in an effort to follow making a new Warhammer 40k army. I decided I wanted to try out Eldar, because they look pretty fun. I'm going to start out by picking up some jet bikes at Phantom of the Attic today. The goal is to pick up a bike or two, and start basing them on Cities of Death terrain.
It is entirely possible that this project will take a while to get going, mostly because I'm doing about forty seven different things with 40k at the same time, but hopefully quitting WoW will let me put a little more precedence on real things like tangible painting and the outside world.
On a moer personal note, I have an interview in Baltimore in a week. Normally this would seem like just your average good news, but in this case it is something a little more. I will be interviewing for a position at Games Workshop! The position is for a training internship in the HR department, so I think it will give me an opportunity to travel, meet new people, and get that whole "entry level position at any company" thing under my belt.
Well that's it for today. Hopefully over the course of the next week I can start making this site look a little more interesting and get preliminary shots of my new 40k Army.